Music of Hans Zimmer
THU 26 OCT 2023 8:30PM
FRI 27 OCT 2023 8:30PM
SAT 28 OCT 2023 8:30PM
SUN 29 OCT 2023 3:00PM
Malaysian Philharmonic Orchestra
Gerard Salonga, conductor
Out of consideration for both audience and artists, children under the age of 8 are not allowed in the concert hall unless otherwise indicated.
Film composer Hans Zimmer has scored over 150 films and some of the most thrilling soundtracks of the last 30 years! Seamlessly combining electronic elements with symphonic textures to great dramatic effect, his work has garnered two Academy Awards and four Grammys. Don’t miss this selection of powerful and enigmatic hits including themes from Dune, Interstellar, Gladiator, Inception and The Dark Knight Rises.
Backdraft: Main Theme - Fighting 17th
Driving Miss Daisy: Driving
The Last Samurai Suite
Top Gun: Anthem
Interstellar: Suite
Inception: Suite
Kung Fu Panda: Oogway Ascends
Pearl Harbor: Suite
20-mins intermission
The Da Vinci Code: Chevaliers de Sangreal
Dune: Paul's Dream
The Dark Knight Rises: Main Theme
Batman v Superman: Is She With You?
Man of Steel: Selections
Gladiator: Suite
The Lion King: Orchestral Suite
RM228 RM258 RM308 RM318
Suite: RM388/seat & RM498/seat
Suites Kuda Kepang, Ulik Mayang, Sapeh and Rebab – A unique experience from the top of the orchestra and to be closer to our musicians.
WED 25 OCT 2023 10:00AM
Purchase tickets here.
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